[CentOS] Trouble (?) reformatting flash drive to include former U3 partition

Robert Nichols

rnicholsNOSPAM at comcast.net
Mon Jun 15 15:14:40 UTC 2009

Robert wrote:
> Robert Nichols wrote:
>> The first thing I do with every USB flash drive I buy is figure
>> out a geometry that uses all of the sectors reported by fdisk
>> (I have a shell script that does that in a pretty much brute force
>> way.) and then repartition and re-format the drive using that
>> geometry.  I've never experienced any problem with that.
> That's interesting.  Would you consider sharing your script?

Sure.  I'll try it as a small attachment here.  It that doesn't
work, and I suspect it won't, I'll have to find some spot where
I can upload it.  I don't have anything like that set up just now.

Bob Nichols     "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.
                 Do NOT delete it.
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