[CentOS] which programming language for server-side admin tasks

Rudi Ahlers

rudiahlers at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 16:11:37 UTC 2009

On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 9:19 PM, Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Hi Les, while I understand where you're coming from, I don't quite agree
> > with you. A programming language doesn't make security mistakes, the
> coder
> > does :)
> I didn't mean the language is going to cause the problem.  I meant that
> coding mistakes are inevitable when you start from scratch and take
> years to find and fix - a headstart those other frameworks already have.
> > What I'm looking for, is which programming language will be best,
> > i.e. fastest. My OS of choice would be CentOS, but even then that won't
> make
> > a difference either.
> That's all almost irrelevant. Unless you make horrible coding mistakes,
> nothing you do within the programming language will take significant
> time compared to reading/writing the config files and database activity.
> > I can do most of this in PHP, but I do think PHP is a bit slow for this,
> > being a scripting language, and not a compiled language.
> Measure what's really happening.
> > LDAP can / would but be one component of the whole thing, and I'm not
> very
> > fond of JAVA, since it's rather slow. Ideally I need something which
> could
> > interact with the OS layer directly
> Java is only slow when you have to start a new JVM.  I'd expect this to
> be run under tomcat or similar web container where the JVM would always
> be running.  Again, measure a few things to get the idea.  A tomcat app
> is easy enough to test - there are a few packaged ones to get the idea.
>  As far as talking to the OS goes, all languages have ways to do that.
>  Perl is probably the closest-to-native for most things - and has
> modules  with embedded C-library access for anything else you might
> need.  But java has built-in remote execution if you want to make this
> work on more than one machine.
> --
>    Les Mikesell
>    lesmikesell at gmail.com
> _______________________________________________

Well, my experience with JAVA, JS & JSP  (I know they're all different) has
been that it's slow on the user's end of view.

I have some clients with JBOSS / Tomcat, and while it's powerful, it also
takes up a lot of resources. Ideally, whatever I use needs to be quick, and
low on resources. cPanel, for one, needs a minimum of 512MB RAM to function
properly. And while hardware is cheap these days, 512MB is still a lot.
Other control panels will work hapily with 256, or perhaps even 128MB RAM.

Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux Hosting
Web: http://www.SoftDux.com
Office: 087 805 9573
Cell: 082 554 7532
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