[CentOS] RHEL, centos and seeing if i now understand this

Scott Silva

ssilva at sgvwater.com
Tue Jun 23 15:15:28 UTC 2009

on 6-23-2009 5:16 AM Robert Heller spake the following:
> Right.  It is not a matter on 'commonness' either.  The big companies
> will likely opt for official RHEL and be paying RedHat the premium
> support contract.  The smaller companies will be using CentOS.
I'm sure if RedHat really wanted to capture this smaller market, they would
have a cheaper subscription model that gave updates only and no phone support,
maybe at >$100 per server/year. More companies might be able to manage this
smaller amount, especially if they wanted somewhat faster updates, as RedHat
has to release them first before CentOS can start their release cycle.

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