[CentOS] CentOS 5.3 and NTFS

Dag Wieers

dag at centos.org
Sun Jun 28 01:20:42 UTC 2009

On Sat, 27 Jun 2009, Alan McKay wrote:

>> The fuse module is built by dkms.  Make sure you have the kernel devel
>> package that *matches* your running kernel.  What is the output of:
>> uname -mr
>> and
>> rpm -qa kernel\* | sort
> [root at localhost ~]# uname -mr
> 2.6.18-128.el5 i686
> [root at localhost ~]# rpm -qa kernel\* | sort
> kernel-2.6.18-128.el5
> kernel-devel-2.6.18-128.1.14.el5
> kernel-headers-2.6.18-128.1.14.el5
> OK, what next?

Make sure your kernel and your kernel-devel versions match:

and	2.6.18-128.1.14.el4

are not the same version. You can have more than one kernel and more than 
one kernel-devel package installed at the same time.

But what is far the easiest solution is to head over to the elrepo 
repository at:


and then download the package for your kernel:


Install that by doing, eg.

 	rpm -Uhv http://elrepo.org/linux/elrepo/el5/i386/RPMS/kmod-fuse-2.7.4-1.el5.elrepo.i686.rpm

and all should be fine. No need for dkms, dkms-fuse, kernel-devel, 
kernel-headers or a compiler. I recommend it nowadays over any dkms 

Good luck and please report back !
--   dag wieers,  dag at centos.org,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]

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