[CentOS] 2TB partition limitation on X86_64 version??

Fri Jun 26 13:37:58 UTC 2009
Jim Perrin <jperrin at gmail.com>

2009/6/26 mcclnx mcc <mcclnx at yahoo.com.tw>:
> we have DELL server with Centos 5.3 X86_64 bits version on it.  This server also have couple MD1000 connect to it.  We configured MD1000 as one hardware Volume size 2990GB.
> I tried to use "fdisk" to partition this 2990Gb volume and "fdisk" can only see 2000GB.  does 64 bits O.S. still have 2TB limitation on File system?
> Does there has other tool can partition disk size large than 2TB?  (I don't like use LVM)

fdisk has a 2TB limit, not the OS. Barry's information is correct.

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