[CentOS] External USB Drive partitioning and formatting

Mon Jun 29 03:45:53 UTC 2009
Sagar Koirala <sagar.koirala at gmail.com>


I just bought a Seagate 1TB USB drive thinking that I could create a
few partitions in it, format in ext3 fs, then configure bacula to
setup a backup server in my CentOS box and backup my windows and mac

I have plugged the drive and mounted in /mnt/usbdrive and is seen as
/dev/sdb1 by the OS. The output of df command is:

[root at Production ~]# df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                     74859680  16053996  55002960  23% /
/dev/sda1               101086     27066     68801  29% /boot
none                    480176         0    480176   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sdb1            976760032     97808 976662224   1% /mnt/usbdrive

I am thinking of having three partitions instead of just one whole big 1 TB
thing, and then format all three partitions in ext3. I tried doing
fdisk, but cylinders are always confusing for me. Is there any GUI
tool that could help me achieve this as I am newbie to Linux and not
very confident with commands. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
