[CentOS] Dag's comment at linuxtag

Tue Jun 30 14:05:22 UTC 2009
David Hrbáč <hrbac.conf at seznam.cz>

Dag Wieers napsal(a):
> The biggest problem for me is that we do not have the infrastructure in
> RPMforge. I still need to build the x86 and x86_64 stuff, Fabian does
> the PPC packages.

Yes, "we" don't. As for me, there's no time and need to reinvent the
wheel. There are many etalons to look at (Suse builder, fedora

> Various people maintain SPEC files and contribute changes. But they only
> get pushed when Fabian or me initiate it. I don't want to sit in the
> middle, but without setting up new infrastructure and processes we'll
> continue to use what works now.

I can't see any easy way to change the state too.

> It's not optimal, but it works.
> And we know about things that can be improved, but without people
> helping with QA and automate reporting problems, we just continue the
> way it is.

Yes, it works and it works for me too. But everyday praxis shows that it
's been overcome.