[CentOS] Dag's comment at linuxtag

Tue Jun 30 13:22:39 UTC 2009
Dag Wieers <dag at wieers.com>

On Tue, 30 Jun 2009, Marcus Moeller wrote:

>> I have been using RPMforge much longer than EPEL and only have a few
>> packages from EPEL on my 5.3 (32 bit) desktop. When I added the EPEL
>> Repository to Priorities, the number of packages excluded went from
>> approximately 400 to 1705. My belief is that had I not given EPEL a
>> very low priority, it would have replaced approximately 1300 packages.
>> Probably those whose priority is to have the latest and greatest
>> should be using another distro (Fedora, Ubuntu, etc.). The philosophy
>> behind Enterprise Distros is stability and security and long life, not
>> having the latest and greatest packages.
> There was a time where CentOS contrib repo has been announced. It was
> meant to be a package source for 'community-contributed' packages. So
> why not just merge stable RPMForge packages over there and start a
> 'semi-official' CentOS orientated repository from the scratch.

I am all for a solution, but unless it already works I would not call it a 
solution, but a short-term (and possibly long-term) risk.

--   dag wieers,  dag at wieers.com,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]