[CentOS] pop3 attack

James Pifer

jep at obrien-pifer.com
Fri Mar 13 19:36:24 UTC 2009

> The problem has nothing to do with the Smart host server entry.
> Read the information in the URL above and contact your ISP.

I understand the problem is I'm in a residential range of dynamic IP,
even though I have commercial class, and I DID read the information in
the URL. That's how I verified I am using the right host for smarthost. 

>From the site:
Outbound Email Policy of Time Warner Cable/Road Runner for this IP

It is the policy of Time Warner Cable/Road Runner to share with other
entities lists of our dynamic IP address space. While Time Warner
Cable/Road Runner does not presently forbid customers from sending out
mail directly from such space, it recognizes that others may wish to
refuse mail from such space, and so Time Warner Cable/Road Runner makes
that space known to others to facilitate their enforcement of their
policies. Customers finding their mail refused by others due to a PBL
listing should send their outbound mail through the outbound mail server
designated for them;

So this sounds like smarthost. So if it has nothing to do with
smarthost, is there a work around for it? The mail is being sent through
the ISP's mail server, but the destination mail server is refusing it
based on the domain name lookup? Why doesn't the other mail server see
it being delivered by the ISP's server and accept it?

I talked to Time Warner support. First guy I talked to gives me the
standard line that they don't support linux and he's never heard of
sendmail. Ugh!

I finally argued to get the call escalated. This person asked what host
I was sending through and felt like that should work. He is going to
request the IP get removed from the PBL, but I'm not liking my

RR charges you an extra $50/mo for static ip! I don't have many other
choices for a decent high speed connection. DSL is too slow in my area. 


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