[CentOS] Creating a CentOS Print Server for Windows Clients

Scott Silva

ssilva at sgvwater.com
Thu Mar 26 18:50:54 UTC 2009

on 3-26-2009 11:32 AM Joseph L. Casale spake the following:
>> It just needs a working cups and samba install to get it working. I run
>> several linux print servers for windows clients, including driver installs.
> What/How do you handle authentication/perms for the printers?
>> The only real problem I had was right before service pack 3 came out for XP.
>> Some security update broke ALL my HP print drivers on the XP boxes. I fought
>> with it for 3 weeks, and had to create cups print driver based packages for
>> all the HP printers until SP3 magically fixed it. I never found out what
>> caused it.
> Huh, that was my next question. It's trivial to add drivers for various windows
> platforms to my windows servers, and it appears you have done this as well. I
> will check out Samba's doc site to see what's involved in making a cups print
> driver based package.
> Thanks!
> jlc
You can also add regular windows drivers and have the print queues set as raw.
You add drivers the same way as windows servers.
If printers require auth for their connections you can set that up in cups. If
you want to have the actual print queues to require auth, I think you can do
that also. You just set up the samba users and passwords to be the same as
their windows NTLM credentials. You can even tie the samba printserver into a
domain controlled by a windows domain controller and pass the auth around that

It is in the samba books. A lot of reading, but you can completely emulate a
NT machine currently, and in samba 4 they are talking about emulating a full
win 2000 type AD server.

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