[CentOS] Installing on partitionable RAID arrays

D Tucny

d at tucny.com
Thu Mar 26 19:50:52 UTC 2009

2009/3/27 RedShift <redshift at pandora.be>

> Mogens Kjaer wrote:
> > RedShift wrote:
> > ...
> >>  Not only do you
> >> have to execute 4 times as much commands, reconstruction of the 4
> >> arrays will take place in parallel leading to slow disk access during
> >> reconstruction.
> >
> > Is this right?
> >
> > When I have replaced a disk and added several partitions
> > to an array, the rebuild is done one partition at a time.
> >
> > The /proc/mdstat would say "delayed" on the partitiones
> > waiting.
> >
> > Mogens
> I must be mistaken then, it's been a long time since I've used regular md
> devices.
I can confirm this and furthermore, the default sync max transfer rate is
very low for modern disks, so unless you've increased it to speed up sync or
you have a very heavy disk workload, it's probably not going to impact
normal disk access that much...

That said... I'd much prefer partitionable arrays from a management point of
view... It's how all the hardware solutions work and they can't all be wrong

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