[CentOS] need trouble ticket system

David.Mackintosh at xdroop.com

David.Mackintosh at xdroop.com
Sun Mar 29 17:52:00 UTC 2009

On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 03:07:11PM +0200, Rainer Duffner wrote:
> as suggest, RT is a good choice.
> But it requires some thinking and planning in advance, and a good  
> knowledge of PERL-intrinsics on RHEL/CentOS, as it requires around 200  
> different PERL-module dependencies.

See also the RTwiki: http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/RPMInstall

It describes how a CentOS-4 user can use a yum repository to deal
with the dependancy hell.  I heartilly endorce this approach, as I
lost two days trying to satisfy the dependancy hell manually.

/ /()\ \ David Mackintosh | 
         dave at xdroop.com  | http://www.xdroop.com
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