[CentOS] SATA tape drive on 4.7

Tue Mar 24 02:22:48 UTC 2009
C Linus Hicks <linush at verizon.net>

On Mon, 2009-03-23 at 00:39 -0400, Ross Walker wrote:

> This seems it may be a bad memory issue. When star is running it is  
> causing a lot of io to be cached putting pressure on regions of memory  
> that might otherwise go unused.
> Think about running a memtest first or just swap the memory out for  
> other memory completely compatible with your chipset since memory is  
> probably cheaper then your time is these days.
> You can always test that memory offline and if it's ok redeploy it  
> otherwise a memtest on a machine with a large memory could take days.
> -Ross

So I ran memtest86 v1.65 for about 12 hours completing five passes on
8GB with no errors. I believe my memory is good.
