[CentOS] Getting ready for CentOS 5.4

Fri Mar 27 18:39:08 UTC 2009
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Les Mikesell wrote:
>> While I love CentOS, think the team does the best possible job, and 
>> appreciate the work they put into undoing the restrictions on 
>> redistribution by the upstream distro, I have to wonder if it isn't time 
>> to just switch to a base distribution that doesn't impose those 
>> restrictions that force the extra work and delays in the first place.
> What restrictions are you talking about exactly?

The ones that require the work that the CentOS team does to 
rebuild/rebrand/repackage before redistribution is permitted.  This was 
not required in the early days when RH developed its community support 
(up through RH9) and perhaps it would have been wiser to walk away from 
everything RedHat-related the day they made that change.  There just 
didn't seem to be a suitable alternative until Ubuntu started the 
long-term support releases.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com