[CentOS] Inotify or equivalent

Joseph L. Casale

JCasale at activenetwerx.com
Fri May 1 22:12:46 UTC 2009

>I used the example 2 in the inotifywait manpage as the starting point
>for my script. Using the close_write, create & move events worked well
>for me. Looked at incrond - seemed overkill/overcomplicated - chose not
>to use it.
>But if it's fighting with something else in the background trying to do
>the same thing - it going to be a circular battle.

Well incrond was as easy as easy gets, but didn't seem to provide the level
of control I need.

Taking your suggestion, I read that man page and setup a couple consoles
with one running this:
inotifywait -m --exclude "lost\+found" --exclude "qbdir\.dat" -e close --format "%:e %w" /mnt/Intuit_Data/*.*

And made some files, and used the client to access/edit/close a company file.
Well, qbdbfilemon polls the directory endlessly and not mention there is a
bloody myriad of close_write/close_nowrite that take place.

/me Throwing hands in the air...

Aside from a manual cron job, or explicit admin intervention each time a
company is made, I'm at a loss.

Thanks everyone!

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