[CentOS] kickstart question

Joshua Baker-LePain

jlb17 at duke.edu
Mon May 4 17:47:01 UTC 2009

On Mon, 4 May 2009 at 1:38pm, Jerry Geis wrote

>>> / I do not have package @mysql in the list - yet after install "rpm -qa |
>> />/ grep -i mysql" reports mysql loaded.
>> />/
>> />/ how can I stop mysql from loading from anaconda?
>> /
>> Type 'yum remove mysql' and see what depends on it.  I'd guess something
>> in the gnome-desktop group is bringing it in as a dependency.
> I get dovecot and mysqlclient ??

Keep going up the tree -- try 'yum remove'ing those and see how much gets 
ripped out.  If you're ok with it, then put those packages at the bottom 
of the 'packages section in your ks.cfg with "-" signs in front of them.

Joshua Baker-LePain
QB3 Shared Cluster Sysadmin

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