[CentOS] Dev Tools

Jim Perrin

jperrin at gmail.com
Tue May 5 01:55:25 UTC 2009

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 7:48 PM, Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle
<mailinglists at mailnewsrss.com> wrote:

> I need to compile ProFTPD, etc, etc. I tried yum install gcc, what else?

I'm going to trot out the soap box here for a moment. Why do you need
to compile Proftpd?  There are rpms for it which work flawlessly in
centos. When you start building from source on a distribution designed
for package management, you get all sorts of interesting problems
creeping up.

You should consider a source build as a last resort option when all
else has failed. Most software has been packaged already, and if what
you need hasn't been packaged, it isn't that hard to build an rpm
yourself. Subverting the package management system because it seems
faster isn't going to hurt you right away. It's the slow pain you end
up with down the road when suddenly you look around and wonder how the
hell you got here. Those are also the days when the support folks
shrug and wander off because they don't know what you did or what
you're using either.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
George Orwell

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