[CentOS] Users

Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

mailinglists at MailNewsRSS.com
Tue May 5 15:29:22 UTC 2009

John, Nate, Daniel.

Thank you, I will see if ProFTP has its own user system I can use as  
they are just uploading web content, I dont need them to be accounts  
on the system.

This list is awesome BTW, never has any group been so helpful! I am  
really learning and I dont think I will go back to Windows hosting  
ever again. (I use OS on my desktop)


On May 4, 2009, at 10:56 PM, John R Pierce wrote:

> nate wrote:
>> Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I am confused about users. IIRC, ftp users are just ordinary users  
>>> on
>>> the system (/etc/passwd)
>>> Is there an add user wizard from the command-line?
>> Quick way is typically:
>> adduser <username>
>> passwd <username>
> actually, useradd is the proper command.  adduser is a alias
>>> I dont quite get all of the steps to add a user, dont let login  
>>> except
>>> FTP, etc, etc
>> Here I would run:
>> chsh <username>
>> and set it to something like /sbin/nologin or /dev/null, this will
> or...
>    useradd -s /sbin/nologin username
>    passwd username
> and do it in one pass
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