[CentOS] Adding an 'official' CentOS image to the Amazon EC2 (Electronic Compute Cloud)

Ralph Angenendt

ra+centos at br-online.de
Thu May 7 09:28:06 UTC 2009

Jason Aubrey wrote:
> In case people aren't aware, when you create an AWS (Amazon Web
> Services) account there's a management console that shows a list of
> available images.  Of this list, some are published by Amazon, others
> are uploaded anonymously, or you can upload your own.  Given the
> dubious nature of an anonymous image and a lack of an Amazon image for
> CentOS, I'm left in the third camp - creating/bundling/uploading my
> own.  Luckily I have the required 64 bit hardware to generate a 64 bit
> image!  Selfishly I'd love to just start up an existing image
> published by centos.org but one's not available.

Do you have an idea of what is exspected/needs to be done to create such
an image?

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