I recently used a purchased centos 5.2 dvd to install. It all went smoothly, and I am up and running automagically it seems to have upgraded itself to 5.3 Final One peculiarity: I believe I was given the choice of: --installing the bootloader into mbr or --no bootloader install I did not want my mbr overwritten, so I chose no bootloader Why is there no choice of 1st sector of root partition? or did I just miss it? I wanted to chainload the centos install, but that requires grub installed into 1st sector of root partition. So after the os install I used knoppix livecd to > grub root (hd1,4) # sdb5 is my centos partition setup (hd1,4) and centos now loads from a chainloader +1 in my grub partition So I have fixed it; but curious as to why the install dvd didn't give me the choice there. Jack