[CentOS] info about hdds in raid

Les Mikesell

lesmikesell at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 23:23:46 UTC 2009

Eugeneapolinary Ju wrote:
> How can I tell wich HDD to swap, when the "cat /proc/mdstat" says one 
> HDD of the RAID1 array has died?
> Does the HDD's has some serial numbers, that I can see in "reality", and 
> I can get that number from e.g.: a commands output?
> How could I know wich HDD to swap in e.g.: a RAID1 array?

If you can see activity lights, you can 'cat /dev/sd? >/dev/null' to 
make them busy, one at a time (where ? is a, b, c, etc).

   Les Mikesell
     lesmikesell at gmail.com

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