[CentOS] Zimbra help?

Rainer Duffner

rainer at ultra-secure.de
Wed Nov 4 11:27:13 UTC 2009

Neil Muller schrieb:
> On 04/11/2009, at 9:50 PM, Rainer Duffner wrote:
>> It comes from the fact that if a problem with Zimbra can be tracked  
>> down
>> to a problem in RHEL, Zimbra will work with RedHat to get a fix.
>> If the problem is in CentOS, you will have to work with this forum
>> basically to get it fixed...
> That's not exactly the same as saying that Zimbra is not supported on  
> Centos which is a much more sweeping statement.
>> Depending on the size of your customer-base, it may make sense to  
>> spend
>> those bucks for a yearly RHEL license....
> Are you saying that there is a current problem with Zimbra on RHEL and  
> Centos

No, I said "if".

>  and that this problem will only be fixed for RHEL? Won't a RHEL  
> fix eventually flow through in to Centos?

If the problem doesn't  exist on RHEL, they probably won't come-up with
a fix, right?


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