[CentOS] Virtualization option at firstinstall CentOS-5.4 x86_64

Neil Aggarwal

neil at JAMMConsulting.com
Tue Nov 17 03:20:37 UTC 2009


> In the Red Hat 5 Virtualization documentation it seems to strongly
> recommends having at least one physical cpu per VM.  Since I 
> have a quad
> core and I want to run the host plus 2-3 VMs, I decided give 
> each VM one
> virtual cpu. Maybe I was too cautious.

In section 28.4 of the RHEL 5.4 Virtualization Guide,
they state:

Virtualized CPUs are overcommitted best when each virtualized 
guest only has a single VCPU. The Linux scheduler is very efficient 
with this type of load. KVM should safely support guests with 
loads under 100% at a ratio of 5 VCPUs Overcommitting single 
VCPU virtualized guests is not an issue. 

So, if you are going to overcommit CPUs, make sure each
one of the guests has a single VCPU.  If you want to
allocate multiple VCPUs to the guests, do not overcommit
the CPUs.

I hope this helps,

Neil Aggarwal, (281)846-8957, http://UnmeteredVPS.net
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