[CentOS] Problem with Samba on CentOS 5.3

Fri Nov 20 17:11:24 UTC 2009
John Doe <jdmls at yahoo.com>

From: "Kaplan, Andrew H." <AHKAPLAN at PARTNERS.ORG>
>I am having an issue with the Samba package, release 3.033375, that came bundled with the  >
>CentOS 5.3 distribution. It seems that even though I created the smbpasswd file, located at >
>the /etc/samba directory, I am unable to modify the password of the users listed in it. 
>I can run the /usr/bin/smbpasswd -a <username> command as root, and even though there >
>are no errors, a subsequent check of the smbpasswd file indicates the username in question >
>is still listed with the series of X's and NO PASSWORD indicator.  
>I have confirmed through the find command the only instances of smbpasswd are those at the  >
>/etc/samba and /usr/bin locations.   
>Has anyone seen this issue, and aside from installing samba from source, have a solution to >
>this problem? Thanks.  

I have "smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd" in my smb.conf...