[CentOS] user management solution needed

Wed Nov 4 21:43:24 UTC 2009
Kwan Lowe <kwan.lowe at gmail.com>

> However I never quite got it done, always seemed real close but not quite.
> Did you document??
> I am now trying the RH / Fedora DS - no problem getting it installed but
> configuration........
> Any pointers to docs that actually work. I have purchased books, read
> magazines and spent probably 100+ hours only to run out of time and energy.
> It remains on my 'to do' list.
> Thanks for any pointers.

I've installed Fedora/RedHat DS a bunch of times. The basic
configuration is quite painless. These are the docs I use:


Those worked as of CentOS 5.3, which was the last time I did it from scratch.

For the OP, it might not be exactly sufficient since there was a
requirement for minute by minute login allow/disallow, but I would not
want to administer more than a handful of nodes without LDAP.