[CentOS] PHP 5.2

Karanbir Singh

mail-lists at karan.org
Sun Oct 11 23:49:04 UTC 2009

On 10/10/09 01:23, mbneto wrote:
> I'll have a look.   I was hoping that the RH based rpms would be
> available to maintain the same update process.

There was and has been some uncertainity around the redhat webappstack 
packages. I think were at a stage where much of that does not matter 
anymore. So moving to setting up and managing them in a more elegant way 
than the testing repos should be possible.

in terms of timeline - there is a slightly wider conversation that needs 
to be had around the whole idea of 'stacks' and what is and isnt ok for 
centos to work with.

since there is a clear product from upstream, might be worthwhile 
pushing with the WAS stuff first and then moving to expand into other 

- KB

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