[CentOS] Possible to run iscsi-target and initiator on same server?

Fri Oct 9 21:37:51 UTC 2009
C Linus Hicks <linush at verizon.net>

I am trying to install Oracle RAC in a two node cluster for testing
purposes, so performance is not something that concerns me. I just want
to go through the process all the way to creating a database. I have all
the prerequisites except the shared storage and thought I'd give this a

I'm running:
- CentOS 5.3 kernel 2.6.18-164.el5
- iscsitarget-1.4.18-1
- iscsi-initiator-utils-

I can discover and login to the node using iscsiadm on the server that
is not also running iet, and see the new scsi disk.

When I try to login using iscsiadm on the server that is running the
ietd daemon, I see packets going over the lo interface in both
directions, but I get error 8 - connection timed out. Wireshark is
reporting TCP Previous segment lost errors with large sequence numbers
like 2999833 and 8999718.

Has anybody tried this, and can anybody offer any help?
