[CentOS] scp with tty

Tue Oct 13 19:29:13 UTC 2009
aurfalien at gmail.com <aurfalien at gmail.com>

Well, I noticed that ssh/scp probably requires tty and when called  
from a script, its not from a tty.

At least in my case which was drupal calling a script that lauched  
ssh, a non tty source.

I also required running privileged commands.

Mebbe you don't need all this so check your logs and see what happens.

On Oct 13, 2009, at 12:15 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:

> aurfalien at gmail.com wrote:
>> I actually had to set both ssh keys and commented out the requiretty
>> in the sudoers file.
>> What I was doing was having ssh called from a script and running a
>> command on that remote host it was ssh-ing into.
> I'm still missing why you'd need to sudo inside the remote shell  
> instead
> of ssh'ing as the right user in the first place.  Or at least why  
> you'd
> require a password for it.
> -- 
>   Les Mikesell
>    lesmikesell at gmail.com
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