[CentOS] Caught between a Red Hat and a CentOS

Mon Oct 19 20:12:01 UTC 2009
Clint Dilks <clintd at scms.waikato.ac.nz>

Rainer Duffner wrote:
> Amos Shapira schrieb:
>> 2009/10/19 ken <gebser at mousecar.com>:
>>> In the couple of months I've had the need to contact Redhat support on
>>> just one issue and their "support" has been terrible, so far completely
>>> useless and a waste of time.  I don't know what Redhat charges us for
>> The only guy I personally know who went with RedHat "because their
>> support was included for free with our servers" reported the same.
>> I'm a bit surprised (and disappointed) to hear such negative
>> testimonials about RedHat support.
>> Do others have different experience?http://download.openoffice.org/other.html#en-US
>> Could it be the the quality of support is tiered by how much you pay,
>> enough to make a difference?
> I think the end-result may be just that, but for a different reason than
> one may think.
> Note that I don't have a deeper insight into what actually goes on at
> RedHat, but this is what I think happens, based on my own observations
> supporting customers.
> If you are a large customer, you open cases more often and maybe even
> have dedicated support-staff.
> After a while, that staff knows the way around your hardware, your
> network and gets a feeling for where the problem may lie.
> It's incredibly difficult to diagnose a problem with just the few lines
> you usually get from a support-ticket - I dare say almost impossible.
> Also, of course, with a larger contract, you may get to 2nd and
> 3rd-level support easier/quicker.
> Best Regards,
> Rainer
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My Experience has been that its the difference between installing system 
and setting up systems for production use.  In New Zealand at least it 
seems that if you can have a system where everything is installed in the 
standard way with a default configuration then you can get assistance.  
If your installation varies from this at all, the first statement is we 
won't / can't help until you move to the standard default configuration.