[CentOS] Switch to measure traffic at IP level?

Fri Oct 23 14:04:19 UTC 2009
nate <centos at linuxpowered.net>

Neil Aggarwal wrote:
> Nate:
> Thanks for the suggestion.  I am looking into it
> now.
> Currently, I use Cacti to graph the data coming
> from my switches.  Do you know if that will that
> work with any of these switches?

Cacti will work for port based monitoring, it won't work
for flow-based monitoring though.


ntop would probably be the main "free" flow based monitor,
though there are some really really nice commercial

Inmon has a couple free tools as well sflowtrend, and another
command line tool which can dump the contents of sflow data
to STDOUT for parsing by a script.
