[CentOS] Locales and filenames

Tue Oct 27 18:16:03 UTC 2009
Alfred von Campe <alfred at von-campe.com>

On Oct 27, 2009, at 13:40, Niki Kovacs wrote:

> I vaguely remember Mac uses UTF-16 as default encoding. This could be
> the source of your problem.

Forget I said anything about the Mac; I'm only using it to write  
these emails.  The file in question was completely created on Linux.   
The filename contains the character 0xE7 (c with cedilla) and the  
file itself contains the character 0xED (i acute).  Neither character  
is displayed correctly using ls (filename) or cat (content), but I  
can look at the file with vim.  Here is some output cut&pasted from  
my xterm window to illustrate the issue:

bash-3.2$ ls -l XXX*
-rw-r--r-- 1 av16209 GRP-HEPDSW 22 oct 27 14:11 XXX?
bash-3.2$ cat test.sh
echo "This is an i acute: � > XXX�

I have also attached a gzip'ed test.sh.


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