[CentOS] CentOS Beer event London
Geerd-Dietger Hoffmann
ribalba at gmail.comMon Sep 28 07:24:36 UTC 2009
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>From Karan's blog: A few of us are going to be getting together for drinks on the Tuesday 29th Oct 2009, everyone is welcome to come along. I'll get there for about 18:15hrs and plan on being around till about 20:00 - Depending on how many people are around and what the feeling is - we might nip around to Ragam ( mostly authentic South Indian food ), a few doors down. There will be a demo for CentOS-5.4 as well! If there is anything specific you might want to see, let me know a bit in advance. The full address is : King & Queens, 1 Foley St, London, W1W 6DL Here [1] is a Google Street view of the place. If you email me, I'll get back with my mobile number - although it should be mostly easy to spot the 'CentOS Guys'. Hope to see you there, then! Karan + Didi [1] http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=cleveland+street,+london&sll=54.525475,-1.188697&sspn=1.059963,1.947327&g=cleveland&ie=UTF8&ll=51.520388,-0.138603&spn=0.00111,0.001902&z=19&layer=c&cbll=51.520304,-0.138508&panoid=-gbEysT71vRhFMeDk-ap2Q&cbp=12,257.64,,0,11.85 ---- My www page: www.ribalba.de Email / Jabber: ribalba at gmail.com Skype : ribalba
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