[CentOS] sendmail routing

Christopher Chan

christopher.chan at bradbury.edu.hk
Wed Sep 2 04:23:06 UTC 2009

Hugh E Cruickshank wrote:
> CentOS 4.8, sendmail 8.13
> Hi All:
> I have a couple of questions regarding the routing of outgoing emails.
> I have spent several hours doing Google searches but I have not come
> close to what I am looking for. If someone can give me push in the
> right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
> We currently have three domain names (two for our development company
> and one for our production company). We have one mail server in our
> development office that hosts all three domain names. Actually we
> just treat the three domain names as aliases of the mail server (via
> the local-host-names file and I do not see a need to change this. What
> I would like to do is route (relay?) any outgoing emails that are
> from emails addresses using only one of those domains to a separate
> SMPT server.
> 1. Is this possible?

Sorry, last I checked, there is no sender-based routing support in 
sendmail. You cannot even try to create rulesets to get that.

> 2. What is it called?

sender-based routing. I suggest switching to postfix or exim.

> 3. Can you provide examples or links to relevant docs?

Not for sendmail.

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