[CentOS] sendmail routing

John R Pierce

pierce at hogranch.com
Wed Sep 2 06:59:11 UTC 2009

Christopher Chan wrote:
>> Sorry, last I checked, there is no sender-based routing support in 
>> sendmail. You cannot even try to create rulesets to get that.
> Looks like it is my turn to eat humble pie. You will need to rebuild 
> sendmail.cf after applying this hack.
> http://www.cs.niu.edu/~rickert/cf/hack/sender_based_routing.m

I note the comments on that patch talk about from: sender at host  rather 
than sender at domain ... so, its possible it triggers on the host that the 
sender is using rather than the domain in the 'from' header.

ugh, i used to know what ...

R$+ <@ $+ >		$:$&f@$j<>$1<@$2>		prepend local sender
R$+@$+@$j<>$+<@$+>	$:$1@$2<>$3<@$4>		avoid duplicate domain
R$+@$+<>$+<@$+>		$:$(mailertable From:$1@$2 $:@$2 $)<>$3<@$4>
R$*@$+.$+<>$+<@$+>	$:$(mailertable From:$2.$3 $@$1 $:$1$2 at .$3 $)<>$4<@$5>
R$*@$+<>$+<@$+>		$:$(mailertable From:$2 $@$1 $: $)<>$3<@$4>
R$-:$+<>$+		$@$>MailerToTriple <$1 : $2> $3
R$*<>$+<$+>		$:$2 <$3>

would do, but I'll be damned if I remember how that .cf stuff works 
anymore   :rofl:

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