[CentOS] sendmail routing

Hugh E Cruickshank

hugh at forsoft.com
Wed Sep 2 18:48:21 UTC 2009

From: Les Mikesell Sent: September 1, 2009 22:35
> You can use SMART_HOST to send the mail from any single host 
> through a specified relay.

Single host and multiple domains so no go here.

> If the same machine is sending for more than one domain, you may be
> able to configure the application sending the automated emails to
> send to a specified SMTP server.

The automated emails are being generated on the alternate host so this
is basically already in place. It is the users' emails that I am trying
to reroute.

> Users can almost certainly configure their mail agent to sent through
> the SMTP server of their choice.

This is my fallback position. The problem here is that my users are a
rather uncooperative bunch and tend to think that they know better on
what should be done and then go off and do things their way. And this
attitude starts at the top and works its way down. Worse yet some of
this has now become company policy (would you believe it is now company
policy that we MUST top post and fully quote all previous messages).
I was attempting to see if there was a way that I could do this behind
the scenes without having to reconfigure everyone's MTA.

Thanks again for your input (and everyone else's).

Regards, Hugh

Hugh E Cruickshank, Forward Software, www.forward-software.com 

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