[CentOS] rsync

Les Mikesell

lesmikesell at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 20:24:34 UTC 2009

chloe K wrote:
> Hi
> I put the rsync in cronjob
> but it won't work
> in root user cron
> */30  * * * *  /home/chloe/rsy.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
> 1/ why it needs pw when I run this rsy.sh in root?
> but if I run it in chloe user, it doesn't need pw as I put authoized_key 
> in remote host chloe

Assuming your key doesn't need a passphrase, authorized keys work 
because the remote side has the public part which is uses to make sure 
that the connecting process can read the private part - which, unless 
you say otherwise, is expected to be in $HOME/.ssh/

> 2/ why this root cronjob is not working? what wrong? I can't see this 
> cron in message
> the rsy.sh is below
> #! /bin/sh
> rsync -essh -av chloe at remotehost:/var/www/html 
> <mailto:chloe at remotehost:/var/www/html> /backup/html

If it works when logged in as yourself, the right identity key is 
probably in your own $HOME/.ssh/ directory.  If you gave a passphrase 
when you created the keys, then it is a bit more complicated.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com

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