Whoever is building this RPM needs to check his/her build logs. The pkgIndex.tcl in /usr/lib/Pgtcl is not being built properly! The pkg_mkIndex procedure does not always throw an obvious error -- sometimes it just does not create the 'package ifneeded ...' line(s), and just quietly skips a package. Something is broken in the build process. Both the version above (which I just installed) and the previous one had this problem. I manually fixed it, but it really needs to be fixed so it properly installs a working pkgIndex.tcl file (and does not break things). -- Robert Heller -- 978-544-6933 Deepwoods Software -- Download the Model Railroad System http://www.deepsoft.com/ -- Binaries for Linux and MS-Windows heller at deepsoft.com -- http://www.deepsoft.com/ModelRailroadSystem/