[CentOS] Kickstart help

Fri Sep 4 00:16:31 UTC 2009
Daniel Burkland <dan at dburkland.com>

Hey all,

I have sort of an odd request for you today in regards to Kickstart 
configuration. I have recently created a kickstart configuration file to 
better standardize the configuration aspect of my server installations. 
I am having one issue and that is distributing a script (yum-check) via 
the kickstart file (in %post section). Parts of the script get written 
to the correct file (/usr/bin/yum-check & /etc/cron.daily/yum.cron) 
however variables in the individual scripts I believe are getting parsed 
by Kickstart. The parsing of these variables is preventing them from 
being written to the respective file. I am wondering if any of you have 
ever distributed a shell script via kickstart before and if so how did 
you do it? I would also like to mention that I have attempted to wget 
the script to the current directory (after cding into /usr/bin/ for 
example) with no luck. I have attached my kickstart configuration file 
so you can get a better picture of what I'm trying to do.

Thanks a lot,

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