[CentOS] Antwort: Kickstart help

Fri Sep 4 08:44:18 UTC 2009
Frank.Brodbeck at klingel.de <Frank.Brodbeck at klingel.de>


Daniel Burkland <dan at dburkland.com>  schrieb am 04.09.2009 02:16:31:
> # Create /usr/bin/yum-check and make it executable
> cat << EOF10 > /usr/bin/yum-check

First of all, I don't think this is a kickstart problem, I think
you'd have the same problem doing that on the console. Compare:

    # cat <<EOF10
    > echo $USER
    > EOF10
    echo root


    # cat <<'EOF10'
    > echo $USER
    > EOF10
    echo $USER

For details lookup Here documents in e.g. bash(1)
