[CentOS] Best way to backup and entire machine??

Fri Sep 18 18:49:09 UTC 2009
nate <centos at linuxpowered.net>

John Plemons wrote:
> The web machine uses a PHP shopping cart running atop MySQL, all of the
> main and important information is kept as a part of the MySQL DB.  So
> the main thing I would want to mirror is the application and the DB.
> I'm a surplus dealer, so hardware isn't a big issue, I have extra
> servers that can be up in a couple of hours without any big layout of money.
> I'm just looking for the best way to keep down time to a minimum and as
> always to KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid.  Simple to manage, simple to
> maintain...

Use rsync for the PHP files and read up on setting up mysql
replication, endless howtos and stuff out there for doing
that. Keep the slave db server in read-only mode until you
need to fail over to it, flip the read-only bit and restart,
off you go..
