[CentOS] network not starting and maybe other services in a virtual machine

Mon Sep 21 17:21:44 UTC 2009
Christoph Maser <cmr at financial.com>

Am Montag, den 21.09.2009, 19:04 +0200 schrieb Jerry Geis:
> I am installing centos 5.3 i386 in a virtual machine. I am using kvm-87
> (which I use for other images
> just fine).
> The box installed fine, it boots up I can login but NONE of the services
> are starting .
> When watching the boot up process it goes from the "Welcome to  CentOS
> 5.3 " directly to
> mounting the partitions and a login prompt. All the services are not
> being started.
> What didnt happen at install? or what do I check now.
> /etc/inittab looks normal.
> Thanks,
> Jerry

Maybe you look at VNC and console is set to serial, or vice versa.

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