[CentOS] mounting images created using dd that contain two partitions

Sun Sep 27 08:04:15 UTC 2009
Christoph Maser <cmr at financial.com>

Am Sonntag, den 27.09.2009, 05:16 +0200 schrieb aurfalien at gmail.com:
> Ok, this is what I did in the exact same situation (solution below
> gotten from the xen list).
> I use it religiously.
> Lucky I'm on both forums.
> **********************************************
> First make sure your guest isn't running unless you want to trash its
> file systems.
> losetup -f /var/lib/xen/images/foo.img
> losetup -a
> # Make a note of which device corresponds to /var/lib/images/foo.img,
> # 'll call it /dev/loopN but it's probably /dev/loop0
> kpartx -va /dev/loopN

At that point you should be also able to rename the VG using its UID.


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