[CentOS] Scan to email

Tue Sep 29 23:04:35 UTC 2009
Joseph L. Casale <JCasale at activenetwerx.com>

Anyone done this w/ Linux before? Not having ever used this functionality,
I can only speculate but I have been asked to setup an MFP such that when you
scan to email, it hits a postfix instance which rewrites the email (so it can be
typed short) and sends it on to our email-fax service. It seemed simple, so long
as I get an MFP that supports emailing from its console as all the cheap mfps's I
know of require some lame app that usually only runs on windows.

It all seems simple enough, pending I get the appropriate mfp? Anyone done this
with an Ethernet based unit that can share an opinion? The postfix rewriting part
seems simple enough!
