[CentOS] Asterisk and VOIP was Re: CentOS for non-tech user

Wed Sep 30 21:11:00 UTC 2009
rb4centos at gmail.com <rb4centos at gmail.com>

-----Original Message-----
From:  Brian Mathis 

The difference is that CentOS is a general-purpose OS that can be used
for many things, and has a much bigger installed base.  That makes it
more of a target and would likely be included in scanning tools.  A
custom OS running on a PBX might also have vulnerabilities, but it's
also probably not a big target because of the diversity of systems out
there and relative limited utility one would have if such a system
were compromised.

That you tend to tend to think of it as an "appliance" running the
phone system does not change the fact that it's actually a full-blown
server OS with the same issues as other servers.
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