[CentOS] help with bonobo

Wed Sep 9 12:34:20 UTC 2009
Jim Perrin <jperrin at gmail.com>

> Jim,
> Only thing I did last was a "yum update"... on centos 5 x86_64.
> This happens every time I reboot.
> once I hit the OK button it looks like everything still comes up and
> runs as normal.
> I was hoping that based on the output of the "bonobo-slay" someone might
> new what to do...

On that output, not so much. The output directly below it is a bit
more helpful. Your system seems to think that /usr/lib/bonobo/servers
doesn't exist. You could check to see if it is actually there. It
could also be some multi-arch related issue, since you mention x86_64
and that's the 32bit path.

However as before, you're not really telling us anything overly
useful. You've not mentioned versions of software, whether this is
after you log in or prior to. Which manager you're using (gdm vs kdm)
or which gui where you're seeing this. You're not giving anyone enough
detail to move any real direction to help you.

You've given just about enough information about your problem to get
the typical helldesk response of 'Is your computer ON?'

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George Orwell