[CentOS] CentOS for non-tech user

Thu Sep 24 20:32:58 UTC 2009
Paul Heinlein <heinlein at madboa.com>

On Thu, 24 Sep 2009, Drew wrote:

>> The other thing is that ubuntu does some things I consider odd, and 
>> puts some things in odd places (say, not having your web stuff 
>> under /var/www, etc).
> That may be because they're aiming for compliance with the 
> Filesystem Hierarchy Standard ( http://www.pathname.com/fhs/ ). Web 
> related stuff goes under /srv/www.

I really wish RH would hop on the /srv bus. The broad distinction is 
fairly easy to grasp: /var for variable data of general interest to 
the machine, /srv for stuff related to a specific service. In general, 
/var is machine-generated, /srv is person-generated.

If you maintain it with $EDITOR and it's available with $DAEMON, it 
goes in /srv. (How's that for a stunningly broad generalization? :-)

Paul Heinlein <> heinlein at madboa.com <> http://www.madboa.com/