[CentOS] Antispam with Postfix

Tue Sep 29 03:02:00 UTC 2009
Joseph L. Casale <JCasale at activenetwerx.com>

>Postfix can handle that. You can have multiple lookup tables/maps. They
>do not even have to be the same type of database.

I guess I can leave that part upto Postfix, but I still need a antispam

I asked on the Postfix list a while ago whether multiple LDAP server lookups
could be configured and received no response. I assumed no one had done it.
I'll just have to reserve some time to actually try it!

>Like others have already said, lose it or fix it.

Well, therein lies my trouble. With the poor support around my current product
I can't fix it (Don't know how). I had to loosen up the primary so it would stop
rejecting good mail from the secondary, it's nothing short of a proper mess, I
know. Hence the look for alternatives....

>postfix + spamass-milter will do it.

I'll give a second look at sa, I haven't looked at it in a while (years) but remember
it being rather indepth.
