[CentOS] Unable to mount devices in rescue mode
Edward Diener
eldiener at tropicsoft.comMon Aug 2 03:44:40 UTC 2010
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On 8/1/2010 7:38 PM, Tsuyoshi Nagata wrote: > Hi Edward. > (2010/08/02 2:29), Edward Diener wrote: >> Booting to CentOS 5.5 works and I am able to login with all my devices >> mounted. > snip >> But nothing appears mounted under /mnt/sysimage. Does anybody have any >> idea of why this error is happening ? > Because your system has a driver to understand sysimage. > Install DVD only have major drivers. > If you have driver disk, Try this command with booting install DVD. > boot: linux rescue dd I originally installed CentOS 5.4. I then updated successfully to 5.5 using the update software, which uses yum. Subsequently just to make sure that I had the correct DVD from which to invoke "linux rescue" I downloaded and burned the two DVD .isos for CentOS 5.5 and used the first one of them to boot into the rescue system. I did not have a driver disk, nor did I need one when I installed CentOS 5.4, unless the second 5.5 DVD is a driver disk. Is it ? When I installed from the single 5.4 DVD whatever drivers were needed were found by the installation, so I am a little puzzled why some driver is no longer available when using the rescue system. The rescue system also asks for my root directory partition, so should it not also find any driver it needs there ? > >> Should I try mounting my CentOS >> 5.5 partitions manually at this point ? > > If you don't have driver disk, boot with other live CD(Fedora, Ubuntu) > may include latest raid/disk driver can find your sysimage. Why would a live CD include a disk driver and the DVD does not ? Unless of course the second 5.5 DVD is actually a driver disk, in which case I can try your "linux rescue dd" command and hope it prompts me for the second disk.
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