Hi all, Is anyone using oprofile? I'm getting segfaults from opreport at the moment, and I'm not sure if it is opreport, or just me. In case it is something just plain daft I am doing, here is how it goes: opcontrol --reset opcontrol --setup --no-vmlinux opcontrol --start ... now I run my program, /tmp/myprog ... opcontrol --dump opcontrol --shutdown then I run, opreport -l /tmp/myprog and get: warning: [vdso] (tgid:4780 range:0x8d7000-0x8d8000) could not be found. warning: [vdso] (tgid:4784 range:0x860000-0x861000) could not be found. CPU: Core Solo / Duo, speed 1067 MHz (estimated) Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Unhalted clock cycles) with a unit mask of 0x00 (Unhalted core cycles) count 100000 Segmentation fault The problem seems to come when I ask for symbols (-l). I can't seem to get much information out of other running programs either. I'm running the opcontrol commands as root, and I've tried opreport as root or myself. I'm sure I have done this successfully in the past (but this is the first time I have tried it in a while). I have what should be a fully patched CentOS 5.5 here. I see this: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=529028 , but it looks to be too old to be relevant (I notice I have the updated binutils that the final link in the bugreport points to). I've tried this on two different machines, but they are similar configurations I guess in that they are both 32bit intel machines. Hywel.