[CentOS] /bin/su wont work inside a chroot?

Sun Aug 1 18:58:33 UTC 2010
Alexander Dalloz <ad+lists at uni-x.org>

Am 01.08.2010 20:55, schrieb JohnS:
> On Sun, 2010-08-01 at 13:22 -0400, Jason Pyeron wrote:
>> [root at devserver21 etc]# sudo su -l apache
>> failed to get default context
>> [root at devserver21 etc]# sudo su apache
>> failed to get default context
>> [root at devserver21 etc]# sudo
>> [root at devserver21 etc]#
> -----
> Well how are you creating the chroot? and why do you want to build an
> rpm as apache? and is this over nfs? If so it will not work as you would
> think.
> Try creating the chroot in /tmpfs?
> Heres what I get 
> [root at ethies ~]# sudo su -l apache
> This account is currently not available.
> [root at ethies ~]# su apache
> This account is currently not available.

apache has no login shell.

getent passwd apache

> Looks like it is meant or not in sudoers....to be like this or it is a
> bug.  SELinux is Active also.   Maybe someone else can confirm this?  I
> do not think some service accounts allow this but I know postgres does.
> [root at ethies ~]# su postgres
> bash-3.2$ 

postgres has a login shell.

getent passwd postgres

> John
